Welcome to ACE IV! 

'ACE IV' is more than a webshop. We created ACE so we could offer people products such as T-Shirts and a lot more. However that is not the main goal. Our main goal for 'ACE IV' is to inspire people. We strongly believe you can achieve your goals, if you  work hard, never quit, always stay 'hungry' and never doubt yourself.

By now you must be wondering why our brand name is 'ACE IV' and we're are about to tell you. 'Ace' has different meanings. It is a term in sports, ace is commonly known as the highest card in cardgames, but it also means: doing a good job. To ace something can either be acing an final or midterm, a presentation or any thing else. So knowing 'ace' to be the highest card in card games, why can't you be the best version of yourself? Try to be the 'ace' version of you, because you can! So, we have explained 'ace' but what about 'IV'? 'IV' are Roman numerals for the number 4. Besides 4 being a good number for us, that is not the only reason 'IV' is part of the brand name. 'IV' stands for 'keys' if you will, to keep in mind when your are on your way to achieve the best version of yourself, also known as the ace version of you. 
We are not saying this is the formula to succes, however these are important things to keep in mind when you are on your way to become the best version of you. 

1. Hard Work;
2. Perservence;
3. Determination;
4. Confidence. 

Firstly, hard work. We're are going to be straight up with you all, you are not going to achieve your goals, whatever goals you have set, if you don't give it your all. And we're not talking about giving it a 100%, NO! Give it your all, 500% if you want a number. Again,we are not experts yet, however this is not that hard to figure out. 
Secondly, perserverence. When you are going through a low, don't give up. You are going to have highs and lows. Push through and never quit. The lows are valuable, even though they don't seem like they are at that time. The lows are insanely valuable, you will realise that on your way to another high. 
Thridly, determination. STAY FOCUSED! Stay focused on your goals. Be a lion and never lose sight of your goal. Remember, lions don't lose sleep, about the opinion of a sheep. 
Lastly, have confidence. Believe in yourself. You got this. You do. 

So, this is why we created 'ACE IV'. We hope we inspire you, let us know by sending us a message through socal media or by sending us an email. 

Team Ace

Twitter: https://twitter.com/aceiv_
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AceIVY4/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aceiv_
Email: info@aceiv.com